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SICU – Surgical intensive care unit

Prototype of an innovative system that monitors Intensive Care units in Hospitals.

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Pedro Bizarro
CISUC, DEI, University of Coimbra, Portugal

Pedro Bizarro (PhD, Project Leader)
Diogo Emanuel de Almeida Guerra


Innovative software which can predict the occurrence of a heart attack with 24 hours in advance, indicating at the same time the most important factors that are contributing to make this happen (low potassium or magnesium, platelets, etc.) and suggesting preventive measures.

The system provides customized alerts for each clinical disease, for each age and patient, among other variables, and is equipped with intelligent systems that reduce the generation of false alarms, which does not happen with the equipment available nowadays.

The technology was developed within the range of European project BICEP: Benchmarking Complex Event Processing Systems, in close partnership with researchers from the Oracle Corporation, University of Utah Medical Center and the Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome.

This project won the 5º BES Innovation Award.

Cardiovascular disease, Disease, Cardiovascular problems, SICU, heart attack, BICEP, feedzai

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